
Term 2

Writing - Black History Week


Based on Maya Angelou


Writing our research about Maya Angelou

Haiku - Maya Angelou

Still image for this video

Haiku - Maya Angelou

Still image for this video



Our topic this term is Rocks and Soil!🍃

The children have been gathering organic material, creating their own soils - clay-based, sandy and chalk, and measuring how permeable each soil type is!💧


Gathering organic matter, making our own soils and measuring permeability!


💧How long does it take for water to pass through the soil?💧

💧Which soil type is the most permeable?💧

💧Which soil type is the least permeable?💧

The children measured the permeability of chalky, clay-based and sandy soil. We poured water through the soil in the sieve and timed how long it took. The three groups had one sediment each to time. We discovered that clay-based soil absorbed most of the water as water struggled to pass through it which makes it the least permeable.

Chartwells Food Workshop!


Louise from Chartwells came into school to talk to us about healthy eating! We sorted food into groups, discussed different types of sugar and how much sugar was in a variety of food! We then got to eat some vanilla cake and raspberry jelly!

We sorted different groups: food with natural sugars, no sugar or added sugars




🐑The Shepherds visit Baby Jesus ✨

Role play the Shepherds visit Baby Jesus

In this activity, the children created a freeze-frame of the different parts of the Bible story of the Shepherds visiting baby Jesus.

They show the shepherds watching their sheep, the angels appearing and telling them the message from God, visiting the baby Jesus and lastly spreading the Good News.

⭐The Jesse Tree🌲


The children created ornaments to add to our Jesse Tree. These ornaments symbolise a Bible story from the Old Testament that tell the stories of the people who came before Jesus that lead up to his birth.



Our topic this term is the Stone Age to Iron Age . The children have learned how they hunted animals and gathered berries for food, they have learned why the Stone Age people drew on caves by making their own cave art and explored some reasons why the Stone Age people migrated to Britain. 

Looking at Stone Age tools

Cave Art! 🎨

The children created their own cave art using charcoal and symbols that can be still be found in caves that date back to the Stone Age.

🧵Design and technology🧵

               Mary Quant - Designer

Sewing using a needle and thread

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Ofsted Oct' 23 - Holy Family is a GOOD school