
Term 3

Geography knowledge organiser


This document contains all of the key learning points that your child will learn in their geography lessons this term!

Geography - North America

Science Knowledge Organiser


This document contains all of the key learning points that your child will learn in their science lessons this term.

Science - Animals including humans

Religious Education

In our topic ‘Journeys’, the children learned about the journey of Mary, the Mother of Jesus.

We researched the Feast Days of Mary and created fact files.

We included this information:

  • The name of the feast day,
  • The date of the feast day,
  • The story behind it,
  • Why it is important and
  • How Christians celebrate it.


Feast Days of Mary Fact Files

In RE, we looked at how prayer guides Christians in their journey with Jesus. In groups, the children created prayer journey maps to show their knowledge of the types of prayers that we say.

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