
Term 4 - 2021-22


In History this term we are studying Mayan Culture, an ancient civilisation of Mexico, as part of this we studied their number system.They used sticks, stones and shells to represent numbers and worked to the power of 20 whereas our modernnumber system works to the power of 10 (decimal system)


Our science topic this term was: Animals including humans and as part of this, we investigated the digestive system.

First the teeth

We bit into different types of food and established the different types of teeth and what job they did. 
Then we created models of the different types of teeth from clay.


Next the digestive sytem 

To develop our understanding we used different items to represent parts of the digestive system. The food we used was crackers and banana, the yellow curver boxes represented the body. The food passes down the oesophagus (taking 6 seconds) into the stomach: represented by a plastic bag ,mixed with stomach acid: represented by orange juice 

Next into the small intestine or illeum: represented by a tight leg where all the nutrients are squeezed out into the body. We loved this part!

Then into the large intestine or the colon: represented by paper cups, where the last of the liquid is removed, leaving all the waste product.

Finally the faeces are eliminated through the anus.

Science week 11th-20th March

On Monday we attended an online science experience we other year 3 & 4 classes across kcsp and we took part in a bottle rolling experiment. Where we investigated dependant and independant variables in an experiment. This was, whilst keeping the test fair, we changed elements to test the effects these changes had on how far the bottle rolled. For example; the size of the bottle; the amount of liquid the bottle contained and if adding a solid(salt) made a change.

This years science week theme was 'Growth' which gave us and the rest of the school the ideal oppurtunity to get our hands dirty and plant all kinds of seeds for our school allotment. 
First we had to sourde the seeds!

Then we planted, planted, planted! All the seeds we sourced, and some more including: sunflowers, nasturtiums, marigolds and potatoes, peppers.

The cress grew quickly (thanks Mrs. B) so we sampled it ! There were mixed reviews!

Religious Education

In RE we were studying Lent and for this we saw this as an ideal oppurtunity for self reflection , considering our actions during this time. We made some lentern promises as a class and wrote them on a cross, which we all signed to show our commitment to the promises made. We did this because  Jesus was preparing to be crucified after his own period of self reflection in the wilderness. We buried the cross in our prayer garden 

Periodically over the following days , we considered if we had as individuals kept these promises made. If we had we poured some water over where the cross was buried to wash away our sins and reveal our good deeds. We also said prayers that we had written at this time.

Stations of the cross: Our Passion Play 


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