
Term 5 - 2021-22

Queen Platinum Jubilee

To celebrate the Queen's upcoming platinum jubilee we did all things Queen today! We have created some artwork that reflects Great Britain, including finger painting and tissue paper collage.

We followed a recipe for baked stuffed apples. It was a great experience. 

We were making Land Art ptojects using natural resources.

Writng - debate - Should we ban cars from the city

There has been lots of chatter in our writing lessons as we have been practising our debating skills. This has linked beautifully with our class assembly that has helped us understand how to minimalise pollution. 

Mathematics -Time

In maths, we have begun learning how to tell the time.

Geography - comparing Kent to Switzerland and Canada

In Geography we have looked at the map features and explored similarities/differences between the physical features of Kent and other contrasting localities. 

RE - The coming of the Holy Spirit.

The wind moving the wind mill links to the Holy Spirit moving the apostles to spread God's word.

Whole school celebration - The Crowning of Mary

We have made some flowers to celebrate the Crowning of Mary as a whole school.

In science, we have been learning all about forces! We have explored what a force is and how magnets work. We have experimented with pulls and pushes as well as the gravity.

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Ofsted Oct' 23 - Holy Family is a GOOD school