
Latest News

Keep up to date with all the latest news happening in school at the moment.

  • Valentine Disco

    Thu 12 Jan 2023
  • Bikeability - Year 6

    Wed 11 Jan 2023

    This week, Year 6 have had the opportunity to complete their ' Bikeability' Training. Previously know as 'cycling proficiency' this give our pupils the chance to learn more about road safety as well as the rules of the road when cycling.


    With the opportunity to complete level 1 on the playground and level 2 on the local roads with two instructors. We should commend all the pupils for their behaviour, concentration and determination.


    This definitely supported their secondary readiness preparation. Well done all!

  • Reading Challenge - The Reading Ladders

    Fri 06 Jan 2023

    Reading is KING at Holy Family and so I would like to make you aware of the new reading challenge which has been introduced to the children this week in school (they were very excited!)


    In the school hall, there are two reading challenge ladders – each ladder holds 50 books. The first ladder holds both story and non-fiction books aimed at the Infant readers and the second ladder holds titles which are aimed at the Junior readers.


    The challenge invites pupils to read all 50 award-winning, hand-chosen books before they reach the end of Year 6 and leave Holy Family (even with only 7 months left, there are some determined and eager year 6 pupils waiting to give this a go!)


    As this competition is entirely new to the school, the first two pupils to complete the ladders will receive a one-off, special prize. Thereafter, each child who completes the reading ladder will be photographed for the leader board and receive a prize to merit their efforts.


    Children will be supported by staff, during school hours, to select books from the reading ladders. Then, the children may independently read the book to themselves, out loud to an adult or even have it read to them. But, it is vitally important that once these books are read and enjoyed at home that they are returned to the ladder for another child to access. This reading challenge relies entirely on this books being brought back into school so we would really appreciate your support with this.


    Please note, children will still continue to read their ‘Accelerated Reader’ book each night but are able to attempt this challenge as additional reading.


    The reading challenge officially opens on Monday 9th January! Good luck.


    Mrs Harris

    Reading and Writing lead and year 6 class teacher

  • NHS School Health - Wellbeing and school readiness support

    Fri 06 Jan 2023

    Thank you for supporting the NHS School Health Team with the uptake of The Lancaster Model (TLM) Questionnaire ‘School Readiness and Wellbeing Review’


    The questionnaire was initially sent directly to parents/carers in September and covers health and development, identification of health needs (both physical and emotional) and offers support.


    They have responded by asking us to share additional information to support parents of young school age or rising 5 children. We hope you find this helpful.


    Better Health - NHS

    Healthy changes start with little changes. Whether you want to lose weight, get active or quit smoking, Better Health is here with lots of free tools and support. You can also find simple ways to lift your mood with Every Mind Matters.


    Oral Health Services

    Here you will find some oral health promotion resources that are useful for parents, adults with special needs and their carers, and professionals.


    Dental Health Services

    Information about NHS dental services, how to find an NHS dentist and how much treatment costs.



    Find out how you can keep your child's bowel and bladder working properly from birth. Clinically approved information and resources to help you and your child.



    The NHS has a guide to help you understand the vaccines offered in the UK and when to have them. It also explains how they work and why they're safe and important.


    Sleep Hygiene

    Here you will find an information sheet from Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH) explaining about sleep hygiene. Having good sleep hygiene can help your child both to settle to sleep and to stay asleep.


    Sleep Problems

    Lots of young children find it difficult to settle down to sleep and will wake up during the night. For some people, this might not be a problem. But if you or your child are suffering from a lack of sleep, there are some simple techniques you can try.

  • Year 4 multiplication checks

    Wed 04 Jan 2023


    Please use the link below, to understand more about the year 4 multiplication checks that take place for all pupils in year 4 at primary school.


    The purpose of the check is to determine whether your child can fluently recall their times tables up to 12, which is essential for future success in mathematics. It will also help your child’s school to identify if your child may need additional support.



    If you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask.  More information will be sent out nearer the time and as always, your support in helping your child with their homework is appreciated.


  • TIK TOK - update with warnings

    Tue 03 Jan 2023

    Please use this link to view the recent updates about TIC TOK challenges.  Please speak with your children.  Thank you 

    TIK TOK warning document - click here



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Ofsted Oct' 23 - Holy Family is a GOOD school