What are the Mini Vinnies?
‘Mini Vinnies’ is the name for a St Vincent de Paul Group for primary aged children. At Holy Family, when you reach Year 5, you become a member of the Mini Vinnies. With the principles of Catholic Social Teaching (CST) at our core, we get together to organise and run initiatives centered upon helping others in need within our school community, the local area and nationally.
What happens at a Mini Vinnies’ meeting?
Miss. McNulty, the Year 5 teacher, co-ordinates the group, giving us help and advice on the practicalities of our ideas.
Book Swap
'Book Swaps' take place on a regular basis at Holy Family. The intention is to ensure that all pupils have access to quality reading texts, even though their families may not be able to afford to buy them. After all, at Holy Family, 'Reading is King'. Through this act, we are living out the CST principle of 'Preferential Option for the Poor'.
'Pyjama Day' on 15th, March, organised by our Mini Vinnies, raised £150.34. Funds collected were split between CAFOD and 'The Great Tommy Sleepout'.