
Term 3 - 2022-23

Holy Family Catholic Primary School

Dear Parents/Carers,                                                                                                                                              

Happy New year from the Year 4 team. We hope you had a pleasant and restful Christmas

And we are looking forward to an exciting and productive 2023. Kind Regards    Mrs Brenton


Termly Curriculum Coverage







To link in with our geography topic this term we will reading the book

The Great Kapok Tree by Lynne Cherry.

A beautifully illustrated book that explains the importance of the Rainforest to animals and humans alike  

Reflecting our class book, we will be writing:

  • Suspense narrative
  • Non-chronological report
  • Persuasive letter about climate change

Also include weekly spellings and Grammar and punctuation lessons


Religious Education

In this term we are looking at all things multiplication and division including:

  • Written methods
  • Multiplying 2 digits by 1 digit
  • Multiplying 3 digits by 1 digit
  • Dividing 2 digits by 1 digit
  • Dividing 3 digit by 1 digit
  • Factor pairs
  • Correspondence problems


Our  RE topic this term is : Community

We will explore what it means to belong to a community, including what are the responsibilities and commitments of belonging to one,

Learn about the life of the local Christian community –exploring our own parish.

Make links between the call of the apostles and God’s call to people to serve him today.




In Geography  this term we will be studying South America specifically Brazil  which will include:

  • Position in the world  and  the climate in this country
  • Rainforest ecoregions/ deforestation and its effects.
  • Conservation and reasons for decline in animal populations
  • Indiginous people of Brazil 
  • Rio Carnival – Mardi Gras



In our Topic  Sound

Identify how sounds are made, associating them with vibration

Recognise that vibrations from a sound travel through a medium to the ear.

Find patterns between the pitch of a sound and features of the object that produced it

Find patterns between the volume of a sound and the strength of the vibrations that produced it.

Recognise that sounds get fainter as the distance from the sound source increases



Our ukulele this term will continue on Wednesday afternoons

Our PE sessions will continue on a Thursday



Design Technology

Our computing sessions will be on Tuesday afternoons

To Link to our Geography topic children will be imaging they have to spend several night in the Amazon forest, they will Design and build a mini-greenhouse to replicate rainforest conditions. For this they will build structures with increasing independence and accuracy. Also demonstrate an understanding of how they make stronger and more stable structures


Other Useful Information

Homework : Children in year 4 will receive homework on a Friday to be completed throughout the week at home. This will include

  • Times tables practice
  • My maths homework
  • Spellings for the week. There will be a test on Friday (children will practice these spellings in school also)
  • Reading book. Please continue to read with your child as often as possible, children will test their understanding of their books through our accelerating reader scheme 


In our science topic of sound we have been investiagted how sound is made. We have also investigated Pitch and volume and what effects this

We investigated how sound travel is effected by distance and the state of matter it is travelling through

Design Technology

We designed and built greenhouses


Class assembly-The Great Kapok Tree

We had such an amazing time in our class assembly when we renacted The graet Kapok tree here are some of the animlals

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