School uniform at Holy Family is compulsory. The school is proud of its children and their appearance. We feel that a uniform helps this and it brings a sense of unity. If for any reason your child does not have a particular item of uniform we ask that you send your reason in writing to the Academy Principal.
Flat, sensible closed toe shoes - children running and playing in heels is not a sensible option in school.
TRAINERS ARE NOT ALLOWED except for playtimes and PE.
Dark, plain tracksuits may be worn for outdoor games - school PE kit is required for indoor PE.
Please name every item worn or brought into school.
Winter uniform
School sweatshirt or cardigan
White shirt or blouse
School tie
Grey trousers / skirt / pinafore
Plain grey or black socks / tights
Summer uniform
White short sleeved shirt with tie or white polo shirt
Blue and white gingham dress and white socks
Grey trousers or tailored shorts or grey skirt
Plain grey or white socks
PE Kit
Yellow school PE shirt
Royal blue school shorts
School drawstring PE bag
Grey or white short socks
Uniform to be worn:
Term1: Summer or Winter uniform
Term2: Winter Uniform
Term3: Winter Uniform
Term4: Winter Uniform
Term5: Summer Uniform
Term6: Summer Uniform
You can purchase our school uniform by clicking on the link below.
Please note: Any child with long hair must have it discretely tied back - no large bows or clips.
For safety reasons, NO jewellery except small ear studs are to be worn. These must be removed on PE days. If your child cannot remove their studs please do not let them wear them to school. Alternatively, please send in plasters/micropore tape to cover the ears. a small sensible wristwatch is also acceptable.
We are delighted to be able to support parents with our new ' Uniform Swap' which is located outside the Book Swap.
When a child outgrows these clothes the items are donated back to the school ( via the school office) to allow us to keep the uniform swap going.
Parents are welcome to visit the Uniform Swap after collecting their child from the classroom at the end of each day - the Uniform Swap will be open 3.15pm - 3.30pm
Following consultation with Parents, Governors and the Academy Trust, please find below the confirmed school uniform policy that will apply to The Holy Family School from 1st September 2023. The changes only affect pupils joining us into EYFS at the start of the new academic year.