
Term 1 - 2021-22


Our topic this term was States of Matter. We studied the three states of matter: Solids, liquids and gases and also we learnt about The Water cycle and how matter changes witihin it 

Our Classroom Science Display

Learning about the properties of Solids,Liquids and Gases

We re-enacted states of matter by demonstating what particles do

We investigated chages in states of matter and what affects the changes and then we got to eat it. Yum!

We created the Water Cycle in a bottle and investigated evaporation,condensation and percipitation.


We enjoyed a lesson from Cafod, in which we learnt about Catholic Social Teaching and hope Pope Francis outlined in a letter to us that we should: Work together on a shared dream.



Our Geography display

Practising our compass directions

Comparing changes in Maidstone over time

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Ofsted Oct' 23 - Holy Family is a GOOD school