
Prayer & Liturgy at Holy Family

Prayer & Liturgy at Holy Family


At Holy Family, our whole-school community have daily opportunities for Prayer,  Liturgy and Prayerful Reflection.

Our prayer life is centred upon the Gospels, Catholic Social Teaching, Catholic Values and British Values.

Our Prayer & Liturgy contain these 4 elements:

Prayer & Liturgy - 2024-25

Our Prayer Garden


Our Prayer Garden, with its focal point of St Francis, is a space used for whole-class teaching and independent quiet reflection and personal prayer during beak and lunch for both pupils and staff.


The prayers, written by the pupils and posted in the 'Prayer Box', are then used in our Friday 'Celebration Worship'.

Prayer in EYFS

Praying the Rosary with Archbishop John Wilson and Southwark Diocese schools

Prayerful Reflection at Holy Family



Prayerful Reflection is a really important part of life at Holy Family.


We all are given the opportunity to think carefully about our God given talents and living our lives in response to the teaching of Christ.


Our prayer and reflection monitors are also important as they help to plan, set up and take ownership of the reflection time, depending on which year group they are in. 


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Ofsted Oct' 23 - Holy Family is a GOOD school