
Term 1 - 2021-22

Welcome to Year 3's Term 1 page. We wanted to showcase our Science and Art this term - please read on to find out about our learning.


In Science, we have been learning about the structure and essential ingredients to life for plants. We have made root networks using cotton wool, demonstrated capillary action using celery, and are now embarking on a photosynthesis investigation - what effect will no light have on the health and growth of the plant? 


In Art, we have been exploring Picasso's blue period of creativity, where he experimented with showing emotions through a range of blues. We have learnt how to use our brush in different ways, from stippling to undercoating, and have explored how white and black can be used to tint and shade a true blue. Next up - portraits using cubism. How will drawing a face from multiple angles look when we piece together the parts?

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Ofsted Oct' 23 - Holy Family is a GOOD school