Maths at Holy Family Catholic Primary School
- Deliver a high-quality maths education that fosters children’s curiosity and promotes a love of maths.
- Enable children to become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics.
- Provide opportunities for children to develop an ability to solve problems, reason, think logically, make connections and to work systematically and accurately.
- Equip all children with the life skills they need to be able to flourish in the real world.
- Daily lessons are taught, in all year groups, using White Rose Maths resources.
- White Rose Maths resources and Numberblocks are used in EYFS.
- Learning is broken down into small steps and interventions are quickly put in place to ensure ‘no child falls behind’.
- Daily simmering skills allow children to practise and consolidate previously taught skills and procedures.
- Mastering Number is used in Key Stage 1 to teach fluency in number facts.
- Manipulatives are used in lessons to support learning.
- Children continue their learning in maths at home using Times Table Rock Stars and Maths Shed.
- ‘Working walls’ provide key information, key vocabulary and modelled examples.
We strive to ensure that children leave Holy Family being able to:
- Understand the importance of maths in everyday life.
- Fluently recall key number facts and times tables.
- Make connections between mathematical concepts.
- Show resilience when solving problems.
- Reason mathematically and explain their thinking.