
Healthy Eating at Holy Family & School Meals

Healthy Eating at Holy Family

Holy family is dedicated to providing an environment that promotes healthy eating and enables pupils to make informed choices about the food they eat, both now and in the future.

We aim to:

•             Enable pupils to make healthy food choices through the provision of information and development of appropriate skills and attitudes.

•             Provide healthy food choices throughout the school day.

The school understands that snacks can be an important part of the diet of children and can contribute positively towards a balanced diet. Children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are provided with a piece of fruit every day as part of a government funded scheme. Children in Years 3 to 6 are encouraged to bring in a piece of fruit from home to eat at break time. Bagels are also provided at the start of and throughout the day, free of charge to the whole school.

All children are encouraged to bring a water bottle to school throughout the year, which they can keep on their desk and refill throughout the day.

Our meals are cooked in our own kitchen and are to a very high standard. If your child wishes to have school dinners, the correct money should be sent in on a Monday morning for the coming week. The cost is £2.95 per day / £14.75 per week.


We are a cashless school and all meals are booked via your parentpay account.

You can pay for your child's school meals via your parentpay account. You will have to book  meals in advance to secure  a meal of their choice. 

Free school meals are available for eligible children, please contact the School Office for any queries or apply at the Kent Free School meal eligibility website:

Medical Diets - Chartwells policy

Packed Lunches

If you chose not to order a school dinner and wish to provide your children with a packed lunch instead, there are a few points that we would like you to note:

Within the school we have several children who are allergic to nuts. We cannot as a school guarantee a nut free environment, however, we would urge you to ensure that lunch boxes are free of items that contain nuts (ie, no peanut butter or cereal bars containing nuts). It would also help if you could impress upon the children, as we do, not to share or exchange lunch items.


As a school we have "Healthy School" status. To ensure we conform to this, children are not permitted to bring sweets or chocolate bars as part of their lunch (although chocolate biscuits are permitted). Also lunch boxes should not contain fizzy drinks.


Have a look at the ideas and information below to help you provide your children with the healthiest options possible:

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Ofsted Oct' 23 - Holy Family is a GOOD school