In science, the children have been investigating magnets and magnetic materials! They looked at how different sized magnets were different and investigated whether a bigger magnet was stronger than a smaller magnet.
In French, the children have been learning colours, number, giving opinions and describing animals. They have learned that the adjective comes after the noun in French and have showed their understand through creating Human Sentences and playing 'le telephone sans fil'!
In History, the children have been learning all about the Native Americans. They know when the Mayflower Landing was and what it was, they can describe the language, culture, houses and food of the Cherokee Tribe and they can describe the role of the Bison (Buffalo) for the Native Americans.
The children have been practicing their GPS. They have been given a piece of text to correct all the mistakes, including capitals, spelling and punctuation!
In Maths, the children have been learning how to read scales in kg and grams. They have learned how to read the scales accurately by counting how many increments there are. For example 4 increments means 1000kg/4 = 250g in increments.