
Early Years (EYFS)

"All your children shall be taught by the Lord, and great shall be the peace of your children.”

Isaiah 54:13 

Our Learning 

The curriculum for every area of learning at Holy Family begins in EYFS; we aim for there to be no limits or barriers to our children's achievements. We want all children to reach their God given potential. Our curriculum allows for high ambition and encourages all children to be deeply engaged. It also allows them to build upon their love for learning. All children will be able to access our curriculum and together, as the Holy Family 'family', we overcome any difficulties!

Our Indoor Learning

We pride ourselves on the quality of all our learning environments at Holy Family and our EYFS provision is no exception. The space is exciting and orderly and is designed to encourage independence, autonomy and a curiosity for learning. 

Our Outdoor Learning

At Holy Family, we are blessed to have a fantastic outside space and absolutely love taking our learning there. Our out-door provision helps support our ambitious curriculum and allows all of our children to develop their knowledge and skills across all seven areas of learning. It also allows our children to develop through high levels of curiosity, concentration and enjoyment.  

Phonics in EYFS

At Holy Family, we teach phonics using ‘Read, Write Inc.’ in daily lessons which build up to 40 minutes. Your child will learn to read in a very simple way:

1. Read letters by their 'sounds' starting with those in Set 1, followed by Set 2 and Set 3

2. Blend those sounds into words

3. Read the words in a story.


For more detailed information and support, please visit our dedicated Phonics page on the link below

Holy Family EYFS Policy

KCSP EYFS Strategy 2020-23

Statutory framework for the early years foundation stage

Maths Online Resources

Reading Online Resources

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Ofsted Oct' 23 - Holy Family is a GOOD school