Special Educational Needs and Disabilities at Holy Family Catholic Primary School
SENCo- Georgina Kershaw
FLO (Family Liaison Officer) – Trish Avis
SENCo TA - Jasmin Hayward
Mrs Kershaw, Mrs Avis and Mrs Hayward can be contacted in school using the email address: office@holy-family-maidstone.kcsp.org.uk or phoning the school office on 01622 756778
At Holy Family Catholic Primary School we are committed to inclusion.
Our philosophy is inspired by the Bible story of "The Good Samaritan" and this means that we will do our very best to ensure that everyone is included by meeting their individual needs. We aim to create a sense of community and belonging, and to offer new opportunities for learners who may experience difficulties. This does not mean that we will treat all learners in the same way, but that we will respond to learners in ways which take account of their varied needs. It is very important to us that we recognise that each and every learner is an individual and that we respond to and provide for their needs as best as we can. We carefully monitor the progress of learners using the assess, plan, do and review process, throughout the school year.
We want to help every child to achieve as much as they can; that they have a right to ‘be the best they can be’. We expect teachers to deliver "quality first" teaching, together with highly individualised learning for some children and this means every child is able to access learning, whatever level they might be. Class teachers are fully aware of their responsibility and accountability for all the learners in their class.
We encourage a strong partnership between parents and teachers and through this, the needs of the child, as identified by teacher or parent, are closely monitored so that appropriate actions are taken. The class teacher is the first point of contact for discussion about your child’s needs however the school’s Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator, Mrs Kershaw, may also become involved.
The school follows the guidelines in the SEND Code of Practice in regards to school based intervention. Some children may need an Individual Learning Plan (ILP) to help them meet the requirements of the National Curriculum and to make progress. Support from external agencies may include speech and language therapists or technicians, counsellor or occupational therapists, In a small number of cases, the child’s needs may be met through an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP).
Here are some links that may be useful to you:
Maidstone Children's Therapies Support videos (The Pod):
Talking to your young child about Autism:
Information for children about what autism is:
Code of Practice for Special Educational Needs and Disabilities – Parents Guide:
Mainstream Core Standards - a Guide for Parents