
Back to school – again! Monday 8th March


We will return to school at 8.45am on Monday 8th March. Please be assured that we continue to follow all the latest government guidelines and social distancing, bubbles, handwashing, ventilation and isolating where necessary remain at the core of keeping everyone safe.


Please do remember the importance of social distancing – we ask the children to remain in household groups as they enter and leave the school grounds and we expect there to be 2m between household groups. Thank you so much for your continued understanding and support with this and wearing of face masks on school premises unless exemption lanyards are worn.


Our one-way entrance and exit will continue. The gate will open at 3.15pm at the end of the day and Year 5 and Year 6 can be collected from the playground. Please ensure social distancing is observed at all times. Once the field is dry enough we will revert to our ‘fair-weather’ route of using the field gates – watch this space. 


Late pupils will be admitted via the church gate only. Parents should call 01622 756778 once at the gate and a member of staff will come to let  you in. Pupils will not be admitted via the main office entrance.


Breakfast club will resume on Monday 8th March at 7.45am. Please pre book via parentpay.

PE lessons continue on a Monday and Tuesday; detail was sent home last week and pupils are asked to wear their PE kit to school on these days.


School Lunches return to a full menu and this will be available to book online from Sunday 7th March or in class on the day. Please check and top up your child’s parent pay account to ensure funds are available where necessary.


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