
Best ever Key Stage 2 results

Press Release


Mrs Underhill, Academy Principal at Holy Family Catholic Primary School in Parkwood, Maidstone was delighted to be able to confirm the school’s highest ever Year six SAT results.


Holy Family has over 55% Pupil Premium children and is located in one of the most deprived areas of Maidstone. With the support and encouragement of parents as well as the amazing commitment and determination from the year 6 teacher Mrs Harris and her team, the pupils continue to flourish, even after the significant disruption caused during the COVID pandemic of the past two years.  This year’s result of 77% combined was well above the national average of 59% with 3 pupils achieving greater depth in all subjects tested.


As a ‘Requires Improvement’ school and following a change of Senior Leadership in September 2019 the school underwent a complete overhaul to ensure that all pupils were given every opportunity to achieve their full potential. This was also reflected in the amazing quality of remote learning offered during the lockdown of 2020 and 2021.  Mrs Underhill has led the school from September 2021, and with all pupils finally back in school, the new curriculum was fully implemented.


As a school community we are delighted with these results and we all look forward to continuing this momentum for every pupil at Holy Family.

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Ofsted Oct' 23 - Holy Family is a GOOD school