I hope you all had a restful Easter and enjoyed the sunshine!
Term continues with home learning again on Monday; all home learning can be accessed on your child's class page via the school website. This will contain a weekly timetable and a list of learning activities including the resources needed to access the work; it will be updated weekly on a Sunday night.
Miss Holt-Goldsmith will also be managing the email that can be used should you have any queries regarding home learning. Please email her directly on home.learning@holyfamily.kent.sch.uk We would love to see how you are all getting on -especially pictures of your special work / pictures / activites so please email photos that you are happy to share!
Email will be the quickest method of contact and the office email is office@holyfamily.kent.sch.uk; but should you need to phone the school for any other reason please dial 01622 756778 extension 20 to ensure someone answers your call (9am - 3pm only)
Best wishes - stay safe.
Kind regards
Mrs Underhill
Vice- Principal