
Parent committee member nominations

Election of Parent Governors

I am writing to invite you to consider standing for election as a parent member of the Academy Committee for this Holy Family School or to nominate another parent to do so.


The Executive Governing Body (EGB) is the main decision-making sub-committee of the KCSP Trust Board of Directors for Holy Family Primary and More Park Primary. Within this governance structure, the Academy Committee, focused on Holy Family, has a very important role. The Academy Committee is responsible for teaching and learning, safeguarding and the Catholic Life of Holy Family Academy; it makes recommendations to the Executive Governing Body


The Academy Committee members are able to support and challenge the Senior Leadership Team and Academy Principal with the areas outlined above – Teaching and Learning, Safeguarding and the Catholic Life.


The commitment is 5 meetings per academic year (Sept-August) usually 4.00pm – 6.00pm or 5.00pm – 7.00pm and pre agreed school visits during the school day to meet with teachers and gain an overview of school to allow for accurate challenge in meetings. Training is required and is available at evening training meetings as well as online web based training.


Our current vacancy would be ideal for someone who has knowledge of education and learning practices but also a person with experience to allow them to constructively challenge the Academy Principal in a committee meeting. However, we welcome nominations from all parents who are willing to attend the required training to allow them to fully contribute to the role of the Academy Committee.


If you would like to stand for election, or to nominate someone else, please complete the  form available from the school office and return it to me, in a sealed envelope no later than Tuesday 28th February 2023


Each person nominated must be proposed and seconded by parents/carers who have a child at the school. Anyone standing for election is asked to provide, his/her information, a short personal statement (maximum 250 words).


The statement should only include biographical information, your reasons for wanting to be a parent member of the Academy Committee and the contribution you believe you can make to the Academy Committee. Submissions over 250 words will be returned for editing but will still be required back within the deadline stated. If the number of nominations is equal to the vacancy, the nominee will automatically be elected. If, however, there are more nominations than vacancies, an election will be held and copies of personal statements will be sent to all parents.


Two weeks will be allowed for the return of ballot papers. Each parent will have one vote for the vacancy, no matter how many children they have in the school. The role of an Academy Committee member gives access to children in school; therefore an enhanced DBS Check will be required for safeguarding purposes.


I do hope you will consider standing or else nominate someone you feel could bring their enthusiasm, time and commitment to the role. If you would like more information about the role please do not hesitate to contact either myself, via the school office, or another Academy Committee member.


Niall Fox, Executive Principal

Megan Underhill, Academy Principal

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